Sunday 20 July 2014

Diet update

So, I've been dieting for 17 1/2 weeks. I'm very happy to say I've lost 31lbs.

I wanted to lose 33lb by next Wednesday so I'm right on target. If I don't quite make it I'll carry on until I do... until my 50th birthday on 3rd Aug at least. Then I will be eating cake! (but only a small piece)

Being Jen

All my life I thought I was flawed and bad. I told my psychologist once that there was something festering inside me that everyone could see and I could feel but I didn't know what it was or how it got there.

 A couple of years later he reached the diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome. From that point on my life started to improve. Gradually depression lifted as I came to terms with what and who I am. 

 Now I realise I have to be me and stop trying to be like everyone else. I let go of the people who don't allow that. I stopped trying to make people like or accept me. I decided if they can't like me as I am, I don't need them because that's when it becomes toxic to me.

 I've noticed people come to me now rather than me chasing them for companionship or friendship or whatever. I don't care if I'm sitting alone in the staff room and if nobody comes to sit with me, choosing other members of staff over me. I don't take that personally any more and therefore it doesn't hurt.

 I still struggle with my aspie traits but accept they're what make me who I am.

 I will be 50 next month and finally I am happy to be me.